Computer Hadware
Computer hardware what is needed in the cafe? I divide it over several categories, namely:
1. Computer Devices
2. Network Devices
3. Electrical Devices
4. Enhancements
Computer device.
Simply put, computers needed a cafe is a computer that is used by the user and the computer used for recording (billing). In practice, often used for recording computer is used also as a computer to serve the printing process (print server) and file storage (file server), sometimes even serves also as a computer to perform other services (typing, scanning, photo editing and so on it).
For computer users should use the specification that "enough." Enough here in terms of specification is quite comfortable to run applications such as common Internet browsing and messaging (and not ever use office applications / office application). a PC with 512MB Memory (at this writing is already a common specification) and an 80GB hard drive mustinya enough. VGA type required is not too high. A VGA with 32-64MB of memory should suffice. For the display type, the authors recommend the use of LCD type with a minimum width of 15 inches. Type LCD display in addition to saving electricity usage and generate no heat like a CRT screen, also the price is quite affordable. At the time of this writing a well-known branded LCD screen with 17-inch width can be obtained at a price of Rp 1.5 j million, while the size of 15 inches for Rp 1.3 million.
The author deliberately does not give advice on the CPU, because the lowest CPU type that can be found in the market today also have very sufficient to run the Internet applications. So the election is dependent willingness CPU CPU type on the market. About the size of the casing, the casing of the computer should not be too big customer. If available casing is small and efficient place will greatly help the comfort level of users.
What about input output devices such as CD-ROMs, WebCam, USB Port? It depends with local market conditions. Some cafes do not put on a CD-ROM on the customer's computer with a lot of reasons not to use and more practical to use USB flash as a media store. WebCam is not always needed, because it tends to waste bandwidth. But if enough demand from customers, there is no harm in providing a webcam at an additional cost.
Network Devices
What network devices are needed in the cafe? Minimum device that we need is a switch with a sufficient number of ports for all computers, network cables and a router / modem. Generally, switches are available with a number of ports 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, to 32. What's the difference between hubs with switches? from both sides of the same function, from the performance of a switch on the hub. Currently, the hub is almost no market. Switch the. current price was affordable enough even with the hub. Some switches have the "manageable", but this type usually are quite expensive and hardly necessary in a small cafe network (4 to 24 pc).
For ADSL users, select the Modem / Router ADSL good quality. Modem standards of Provider are sometimes not able to be used continuously, or quickly broken. This is understandable, because the standard modem is designed for use at home while the cafe to use it all day every day. Try to ask first to the stores where you buy the modem or the forums that discuss about the cafe / internet to find out what is quite resistant modem used continuously.
Electrical Devices
I separate devices such as UPS, Stabilizer and AC to the category of electrical devices to facilitate grouping only. Included within the electrical device is the Grounding that is sometimes overlooked when electrical installation. Grounding is required for the devices we use do not nyetrum when touched. UPS also will last longer if the grounding of our electricity system good.
There is a good electrical path is designed into several separate parts and has a series of breakers / fuses its own. For example: electrical path to the client computer, electrical network to the billing computer and other devices, electrical network to the device Cooler Room, Fridge (if any). It is intended in case of an overload or short-circuit can be more easily searchable and more secure in the operation of day-to-day.
1. Printer / Printer
2. Scanner / Scanner
3. CD / DVD Burner
Printers / Printer is an enhancement that must exist in the cafe. This actually has been discussed in Chapter 3 - Services cafe. But this time the authors emphasize once again that if the investment funds available, the cafe should have at least 2 kinds of printing equipment. Where one type of laser printer and 1 more type of inkjet. Laser printer dedicated to printing in black and white quality and high speed. Medium inkjet printer intended to serve the printing color / photos and the speed is. Given the revenue from printing is one income with a high percentage, take care of the printing device as possible.
Look for printer devices that are supported or can work on Linux OS. The printer of this type would be helpful if future cafe intend to migrate to Linux OS. Having a printer that only run on one type of OS is actually harmful.
Scanner / scanner itself is a device that suggested there. Scanner in the cafe do not need a high rate capability. Even a scanner device included in the entry level was enough to meet the needs of scanning in the cafe. Many types of scanners on the market, but devices like printers, find a scanner that can be paired with the Linux OS to anticipate the migration to Linux OS.
Although high-capacity USB Flash Disk (capacity> 4GB) began to become general, but the media CD / DVD remains the choice of storage media. Therefore, having a CD / DVD Burner is a liability. Use a device capable of burning CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R and DVD Double Density (8GB capacity). With a price that is not too different, love it if you only burner capable of writing on CD-R and DVD-R.
Place the CD / DVD Burner is in the work area Operator / Cashier for its use can be monitored. Do not install it on client computers because it would complicate supervision and can disrupt the client if the computer is being used.
Noteworthy is: keep the files that were burned into the CD / DVD is not the files in violation of the Act / Law in force. Although it is not actually the responsibility of the cafe, but prevention is better than problematic in the future.
Other devices.
In addition to the four devices that the author gave at the top, there are still some other devices such as speakers, headset, webcam which can be optimized to increase the income cafe. But it all depends on the target market and given the level of service you want.
Intenet Deploment
Historical development of the internet
A. Lokal Area Network (LAN)
At first computer network performed on a very limited network
ie, by using two computers. Then develop a broader the complex of offices, buildings, schools, known as the Local Network or local area network (LAN)
LAN form a pattern of group work or workstation. LAN enables practitioners
can make use together computer can use it together and to each other communicate using e-mail, discussion forums, etc.
To simplify the pattern of relationship between one computer with a computer
others, Local Area Network (LAN) has several patterns called Network Topology.
Network topology can be divided into two kinds: physical topology and
logical topology. Actual physical topology is a topology with cables as a media network. Physical topology available today include: Topology Bus, Star topology, ring topology, topology MESH hierarchy and topology; while the logic of the network topology that describe the process of mutual hosts related from each other. There are two types of logical topology, namely topology broadcast and token passing.
B.Wide Area Network (WAN)
Development and information and communication needs of demanding computer
used to relate broadly to form Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). Broader development needs longer needed the wider network as well so use Wide Area Network (WAN).
So, MAN and WAN is the combination of LAN stimultan.
WAN networks to achieve inter-island, between countries, even between continents. WAN
typically uses hardware (hardware) and tools (software) particular.
C. Advantage to Internet
The high mobility of Internet usage is more demanding internet network flexible, so that someone who travels a lot can still access Internet, although in the car is running. To meet
needs were developed network without wires (wireless) such as Funny. This network is known as a wireless Internet network (wireless), known as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). WAP in can operate using mobile phones as a means of assistance liaison.
Computer user or the user can do many things through the intenet, such as:
1. Finding Information (hosting)
2. Shopping (e-commerce)
3. Send letters (e-mail)
4. Chat (chat, and
5. Research with the intenet.
Describe Hardware functions used for access internet.
Internet Hadware
If possible the hardware used has a high-end specification
such as:
1. Pentium 4 (4 GHz)
2. RAM 512
3. 60 GB hard disk
4. 256 MB VGA Card
5. CD-RW
6. LCD Monitor
7. UPS
8. Laser Printer
9. Modem
10. Hub or Switching
11. Repeater
12. Bridge
13. Router
Some points to consider in choosing an ISP, for Internet access not
susceptible to interference are:
1) Bandwidth Capacity
2) The capacity of the network
3) Access to local toll
4) The reliability and network security
One ISP that instant without subscribing namely Telkom, which provides
Telkomnet @ instant. In using telkomnet @ diamond, cost of services
Internet is calculated based on the telephone and directly inserted into the
telephone bills.
User ID is the identity of computer users. User is the name, number or
identity which is owned and are entitled to use the computer.
DNS is the address of system development hosts a more understandable
computer users. Each control has two identities, namely the IP address
numeric and the host name. Host name is the name that is easy to remember, such as
All DNS records are sorted by name or specific domain ending in accordance with their respective fields. For example :
. com commercial areas
. edu education
. net provider of network services
. org organization nonkomersil
. int International organizations
In chapter 1 has been discussed that in order to access the Internet after subscribing
with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) is required software (Software)
internet.browser a popular browser is Internet Explorer and
Mozilla. Internet Explorer is the most widely used software and
is a product of Microsoft Corporation.
To enable Internet Explorer, the computer does not have to connect to the
Internet. Internet Explorer can be activated even if computers are not being
access the web page.
a. Using the Search Tool
To conduct a search poer topic with Internet Explorer, step
done after Internet Explorer is active are as follows:
1. Click the Search tool, so it appears the search window.
2. Click the Search this compute for a file, to conduct searches on computer.
3. select it and click Picture, music, or video.
4. select pictures and photos
5. click search
b. Favorites Tool
To organize the documents into the computer with the website
using Favorites.
c. Media Tool
Media Tool is used to display documents media such as video,
radio, or the like.
d. Tool History
History tool used to see the development or exploration of the groove
e. Mail Tool
This tool is used for things related to electronic mail or e-mail, such as sending letters, and documents the letter.
World Wide Web (WWW), or commonly abbreviated by the name of the web is a facility
Internet is very important. Www facilities can access various forms such as text, animation, graphics, sound, and video.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a website address or website. The location of the URL is the address box (address) on your browser.
Each URL uses a unique name in writing, in general have syntax or rules PROTOCOL: / / NAMA_INTERNET.DOMAIN. Internet Protocol data form of HTTP, FTP, NEW, or GOPHER.
E. Describe the Hypertext AND HTML
Web page has its own pattern of filling the text and images. Text used is the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or a txt, as well used as an extension of the file in question. Merupupakan HTML format agreed to write web pages. While the picture is that berektensi jpg, bmp, and gif.
A. Search Engine Yahoo
Yahoo is a search engine first. Nearly 60% of internet users accessing Yahoo. Besides the oldest search engines, display homepage easy to understand and very organized. As the oldest site Yahoo has many customers, each person tends to open browsing this site.
B. B. Search Engine Google
Search engines are on the rise is Google.com. Currently, Google is very popular because of speed of access. Besides influenced by the modem, access speed is also influenced by the reliability of search engines.
Search engine Google does not provide e-mail service free crate case yahoo, and also does not provide video facilities. Thus, the use of Google can not create e-mail and can not access the video.
To enable the Google.com website do the same by activating how to type in Google.com yahoo.com in the URL Internet Explorer.
C. Search Engine MSN.COM
As the largest software manufacturers today, Microsoft did not want left behind in the field of internet which brought out some products such as Encarta and MSN. As a Microsoft product that has the characteristics of this friendly, relatively msn.com easy to use.
Msn.com To activate the pace of Internet Explorer are
1. Type in the URL msn.com
2. Press <Enter>
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